Natourest in media – articles about birdwatching tours

As it was the case for most nature tour companies, we had to cancel all of our spring tours and that just 3 days before we would have gone birdwatching on the island of Saaremaa. The reason behind it is that Estonia’s biggest island is known to be the best location in Europe, where to find the magnificent Steller’s Eider. Unfortunately, we did not see the bird this year as Saaremaa was locked up for a longer period to all the people coming from the mainland.

The autumn season is already here and woodpeckers are drumming and owls are hooting and whistling. Now we just have to hope that the situation will get better elsewhere in Europe and people can come and enjoy the beauty of Estonia’s autumn.  

Until then, we offer for you to read 2 articles about our tours in early spring and autumn 2019. As the articles are in German it might be easier for some to put the text through Google Translate (Article 1 and Article 2 as PDFs) or just enjoy the beautiful photos. As there are no photos of the Steller’s Eider in the first article, I’ll add a photo I (Peep) made in 2019 to illustrate just how close they were to the port!!

(PS! I feel much more comfortable holding binoculars in my hand than a photo camera. So I’m really sorry for not using the great chance I was offered that spring)

Steller’s Eider tour in 2019 –  Franz Lerchenmüller “Die Wildnis ist kein Futterhäuschen”


Autumn tour in 2019 –  Sylvia Koch “Estland: Ostzieher und Inländer”:

60-65 Reise der Herbstzug in Estland (1)

EU Leader Virumaa Koostöökogu (VIKO) supported Natourest Inc for buying nature observation optics and trail cameras.