Brown bear

With more than 700 animals Estonia has one of the strongest Brown Bear populations in Europe. A forested area in N-E Estonia, called Alutaguse, has almost half of Estonian bears. Although fairly common there, it is still difficult to see them in wild. That is the reason why Natourest has built hides for observing and photographing these magnificent predators.

Female brown bear with cubsThe best time for bear-watching is in spring, after the bears have woken up from hibernation and are hungry and again in autumn when they prepare for hibernation. If you are interested in different aspects of the Brown Bear life, you can join our bear watching and tracking trips, other ways you can choose between our watching hides and professional photographing hides to see and photograph the animals. Hides are available from the beginning of May to mid-June and during September and October.

EU Leader Virumaa Koostöökogu (VIKO) supported Natourest Inc for buying nature observation optics and trail cameras.